We are specialists’ that strive to create value for shareholders of abandoned public companies.



Update 5/14/21

On UVSS - Universal Systems, Inc. I paid Standard Registrar to reinstate the account however the records they sent me seem to be missing shareholder information. They are working to see why there is a discrepancy so that I can get a shareholder meeting notice done.

Yesterday (5/13) the judge on the LPHM - Lee Pharmaceuticals case asked for the attorney to complete an additional service to the California SOS. This will delay proceedings two weeks according to the attorney.

On THDS - 3Dshopping.com I have located the records and working with the transfer agent to reinstate the account and complete a mailing. I hope to have this completed next week.

On AESO - Atlantic Energy Solutions, Inc. I have been in contact with old officers and have been negotiating a change of control. I believe we are close, and his attorney is reviewing the prepared documents.

On SGTB - Kuboo, Inc. my attorney believes we can complete a required supplemental filing and satisfy the judge’s request next week.

I received the custodian appointment on BABL - Buildablock Corp. from the courts on Monday. I have received the settlement documents from the transfer agent which I should be able to execute and pay the $7000 today. I was told there is a new ‘consultant’ name showing on OTC Markets. I have nothing to do with this and have asked OTC to remove it.

The old officer on BDCM - Broadcast Marketing Group, Inc. requested some changes to our documents. We are working through. I keep pushing to get this completed and on to the next phase.

I believe we are supposed to hear something soon on the Delaware petitions. The independent opinion ordered by the court should be due any day.  I will try to get an update next week.

QENC - Queench, Inc. court date is scheduled for May 28th.